Sharing a Portfolio

Portfolios are collections of properties that can be shared directly with clients. Portfolios may contain a single property or multiple properties. Once the portfolio is shared, you can track how many times it is viewed, and how the client reacted.

To share a portfolio with a client:

  1. Log into your DASH Account.
  2. Browse to the "Portfolios" page by click the link in the left-hand menu.

    Screenshot of the DASH app after logging in. Click on the Portfolios link in the left-hand menu to access your existing portfolios or create new ones.
    Click the "Portfolios" link in the left-hand menu to access your existing portfolios or create a new one.
    Magnified screenshot of the DASH app after logging in. Click on the Portfolios link in the left-hand menu to access your existing portfolios or create new ones.
    Click the "Portfolios" link in the left-hand menu to access your existing portfolios or create a new one.

  3. Open the portfolio you want to share by clicking on it's name.

    Screenshot of the Portfolios page with a portfolio's name highlighted. Click the portfolio name to open it.
    Click the portfolio name to open that portfolio.
  4. Click the "Share Portfolio" button at the top-right corner to bring up the sharing settings.

    Screenshot of a DASH Property Portfolio. Click the Share Portfolio button to bring up the portfolio's sharing settings.
    Click the "Share Portfolio" button to bring up the portfolio's sharing settings.
    Magnified screenshot of a DASH Property Portfolio. Click the Share Portfolio button to bring up the portfolio's sharing settings.
    Click the "Share Portfolio" button to bring up the portfolio's sharing settings.

  5. Share settings can also be accessed from the Portfolio list page. Access a portfolio's share settings by clicking on the portfolio's share status, on the portfolio's tile, to the left of the number of views.

    Screenshot of the DASH Portfolios page with the sharing status of both portfolios highlighted. Click on the share status of a portfolio to set the portfolio's sharing settings without opening the portfolio.
    Clicking a portfolio's share status from the Portfolios list page will also bring up the sharing settings box.
    Screenshot of the DASH Portfolios page with the sharing status of both portfolios highlighted. Click on the share status of a portfolio to set the portfolio's sharing settings without opening the portfolio.
    Clicking a portfolio's share status from the Portfolios list page will also bring up the sharing settings box.

  6. After clicking the "Share folder" button, set the portfolio sharing settings:

    Screenshot of the DASH portfolio share options, with Public Link selected.
    The DASH portfolio share options.
    Magnified screenshot of the DASH portfolio share options, with Public Link selected.
    The DASH portfolio share options.

  7. Share: Sets the access settings for the portfolio
    1. Private/Draft Portfolio: This is the default value and when selected, no one can access the Portfolio, except the agent who created it, through DASH.
    2. Public Link: Allows anyone with the link to access the Portfolio in a read-only view. This includes anyone the client shares the link with.
    3. Password-Protected Link: Allows anyone with the link and the password set at this point, to access the Portfolio.

To remove someone's access, set the Share settings back to "Private/Draft Portfolio", and all access will be removed.

Other Share Settings

  1. To give access to the property's marketing materials such as fact sheets or brochures, images, or videos, enable the DASH Downloads toggle to select which of the property's media files to share with the client or other recipients. When enabled, you must select the files to be included for EACH property in the portfolio. All files are not shared by default.

    Screenshot of the DASH Portfolio sharing settings with the DASH Downloads toggle enabled in order to include media files with the shared properties.
    Enable the DASH Downloads toggle to include property media files with the properties in the shared portfolio. Files must be selected for each property in the portfolio.

  2. Click "Add to Media' next to each file you want to share with the portfolio. If the property has groups or folders of files, such as a folder for all 3-Bedroom floor plans, or a folder for all the available Spanish language fact sheets, you will see a button to share the entire folder. If the folder is available, it will show as an oval button below the parent folder.

    Screenshot of the DASH Downloads file selection. Click the Add to Media button to add an individual folder or click one of the oval buttons above the individual files to include all the files in a sub-folder.
    Click the "Add to Media" button to share a property's media file with the portfolio. Click on an oval button above the individual files to share all the files in a sub-folder of the file-type.

  3. Repeat Step 2 for each property in the portfolio by selecting a different property from the property dropdown box and then selecting which files to include for the selected property.

    Screenshot of a DASH Portfolio's share settings. To share files for multiple properties in a portfolio, drop down the Property Name box in the sharing settings and select files from the other properties in the portfolio.
    To share files for multiple properties in a portfolio, drop down the "Property Name" box in the sharing settings and select files from the other properties in the portfolio.

  4. Click the "Share" button at the bottom of the share settings to save the settings and copy a link to the portfolio to your clipboard.

    Screenshot of the bottom of the portfolio share settings dialogue box with the Share button highlighted. Click here to save your share settings and copy a link to the portfolio to your clipboard.
    Click the "Share" button at the bottom to save your sharing settings and copy a link to the portfolio to your clipboard.
    Magnified screenshot of the bottom of the portfolio share settings dialogue box with the Share button highlighted. Click here to save your share settings and copy a link to the portfolio to your clipboard.
    Click the "Share" button at the bottom to save your sharing settings and copy a link to the portfolio to your clipboard.

  5. The share screen will close and you will see a message that says "Copied" (referring to the portfolio link" if the sharing settings update was successful.

    Screenshot of the Copied message after clicking share to save a portfolio's share settings.
    The "Copied" message at the top-right indicating that the portfolio was shared successfully and the link copied.
    Magnified screenshot of the Copied message after clicking share to save a portfolio's share settings.
    The "Copied" message at the top-right indicating that the portfolio was shared successfully and the link copied.Send this link to any third-party and they will be able to view your portfolio!
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